5 things meme
0 comment Wednesday, June 25, 2014 |
Gah! I've been hit with the 5 things meme by JLK. I'm going to do it quick before anyone else tags my blogger friends and I look sad and unpopular when there's no one else to pass it on to.I think that the rules are thus:Complete meme and post.Email the person who tagged you to let them know it's up.Tag 5 others and email/comment to tell them so.5 things I was doing 10 years ago:Looking forward to graduating (from high school).Applying to college.Trying to qualify for championships in Favorite Equestrian Event.Having fraught relationship with high school sweetheart.Soldiering through Autumn Sport season with nasty injury.5 things on my To-Do List Today (only 5!?!?):Step 2 of Hated Data Set - not sure I'll get to this, but if not, definitely tomorrow.Write up draft of ridiculous stupid new progress report formatStart tying up loose ends of other experiments that should be in my next manuscript (for which I am failing miserably with my InaDWriMo#*%$@whateverthefuck goals thus far)Refrain from feeling guilty for not getting more done today -- it's been a rough but productive weekStop reading blogs and get busy already![Amendment: Go home before this migraine really starts ripping.]5 snacks I love:BeerPopcorn with brewer's yeast, butter, curry powder and dried seaweed....mmmmm!Homemade guacamole on just about anythingIce cream (which is a killer because I'm lactose intolerant so I will only have it at home and when we don't have company!)Fresh fruit and veg...whatever's in season5 things I would do if I were a millionaire:Pay off my student loans and DangerDog's surgery.Buy a horse and a place to keep it.Invest well so that I won't have to work until I'm dead (well at least once the economy can be trusted).Renegotiate my job to work part-time so I have time to enjoy horse, dog, Things, BH and the other finer things in life.Start up my charter school for globally integrated experiential learning and social justice (that one may require another post to explain)...that, or maybe a vineyard.5 places I've lived:Pacific NorthwestTex-AssSoCalItalyOnly 4 for me...unless you count extended research post in Costa Rica for a few months...never had a mailing address so I don't know if that counts.5 jobs I've had:Horseback riding instructorHalter- and Saddle-breaking young horses for local ranchStream surveyor for the US Geological Survey - CA newts rock my world!Theater technicianScience lab instructor[I was going to write "full-time student"...that probably doesn't count]5 people I'll tag:The Monktress at HermitagemicrobiologistxxDisgruntled JulieEugenieThe Bean-mom
