0 comment Saturday, March 29, 2014 |
To all persons who work in labs:It is never ever OK to mess with other people's stuff. While you may have the best intentions re: organizing and consolidating and effeiciencizing things, and you may be the most organized and fastidious person on the planet and your lab mates may drive you crazy when they are not, it is still NOT OK to "reorganize" other people's shit.Especially other people's experiments in progress.You see, what looks disorganized to you actually is not. It is meticulously organized. It's just that you don't see it because you don't have the secret decoder ring. So when you fuck with other people's organizational systems, you bork the code. Data points will be lost and those other people are gonna come down hard on your ass.I repeat: your good intentions to do other people a favor and "reorganize" their shit, or conversely your obsessive need to maintain everything in neat little symmetrical rows, are irrelevant. DO NOT FUCK WITH OTHER PEOPLE'S SHIT. Even if you are the PI.
